A Transformational Journey, written by Treena Nourish

I would like to share with you this incredible journey that a dear friend of mine shares in this blog.

I am sharing this for so many reasons, most of all because its so inspiring to read her words about following intuition, magic of synchronicity, heart, the call we hear, curiosity and the sacred journey of life. Thank you Treena for this gift and thank you for including me in your post.


Treena Nourish is a beautiful women inside and out. If you wish to connect with her, here is her blog/site.




By Nazli Khosravi

Cancer 2014

Hello and welcome Cancer the Crab and the Flicker.

I hope you all enjoyed a fabulous Solstice and Happy SUMMER.

Cancer is a sign ruled by the Moon. A feminine sign (bringing forth to the light our feminine/womanly and specially mothering energies), also rules the home life and much more. It is a water sign.

On the Medicine wheel, Flicker is the totem for this month ( Cancer) and its medicine teaches us about Rhythm, The connection to the heart beat of the earth, the people and the drums and all life( sometimes asking us to change rhythm), teaches us discrimination, associated with the crown Chakra, it also rules our mental activities and much much more.

For me, life has been a WILD RIDE to say the least lately J How has your journey been?

Remember that we are all connected and if you too are experiencing shifts and intensity, know that we are connected through our heart beat, the drum beat of the earth and the sound of the flicker.

See you all in sacred circle.



Cancer Specials:

If you are a Cancer, you will receive a birthday discount of 50% off one private session with me (reading, journey, soul retrieval or shamanic breath work). Offer ends July 21st 2014 and is limited to one session/ person.



Upcoming Events:


Journey of the Strong Sun Moon

Join me on the New Moon for the Shamanic Journey of the Strong Sun Moon.

As we invite in the powerful energies of this Moon as well as the Flicker Totem associated with it.
Flicker teaches us about Rhythm, The connection to the heart beat of the earth, the people and the drums and all life( sometimes asking us to change rhythm), teaches us discrimination, associated with the crown Chakra, it also rules our mental activities and much much more.

Lets connect to this rhythm through the beat of the drum and through our hearts, together.

Join me if you hear the call.

Friday June 27th 2014 7-9 pm
238 Beechwood Ave

To register please contact me 250-385-3743 or nazlirainflower@yahoo.com, space is limited.

Please bring a blanket, cushion, water bottle and wear warm and comfy clothes.


Summer Open House

Join Nazli Khosravi and Kelsey Lawford for a day of healing and insight. Greet your summer with clarity, ease, grace and joy.

Nazli is a Reader ( Tarot, Animal Spirit, Channeled Readings, Crystals, Turkish Coffee, Tea Leaf…), Shamanic Practitioner and Breath Facilitator. She has been humbly holding space for transformation for many, through private and group sessions ( shamanic Journeys, Soul Retrievals, Breath Sessions, Readings and healings). She will be offering mini Reiki sessions and mini readings at the open house.


Kelsey is a healer and teacher. She facilitates yoga, breath work, healing sessions and much more.
“I am a healer, in that I am so deeply devoted to my own personal healing and life transformation, that I can then offer myself in complete service of Great Spirit, to work through me, to help you heal your, body, mind, heart and soul, to fill you with love so you will radiate your light into the world” AHO.
She will be offering healing sessions and chakra readings at the open house.


Nazli and Kelsey will both be offering mini Healing and Reading Sessions. Each session is 15 minutes long. Please note that we will have sign up sheets for our offerings, be sure to arrive early to book your preferred spot.

Sat June 28th 2014 10 am-3 pm
238 Beechwood Ave
Each mini session is $20/person
You are welcome to book a spot in advance by contacting us and arranging pre payment, thank you. All other spots are available first come first serve.

We look forward to a day of celebration in commUnity with you ♥


Sacred Spiral Breath Journey

Join me for a Sacred Spiral Breath Journey, A fusion of Conscious Connected Breathing and Drum Journey.

Rebirth and renew through Sacred Spiral Breath and cleanse, integrate and connect to spirit while you journey to the beat of the powerful hand drum.
You will be guided through this journey of diving deep, emerging with a sense of clarity and well being as well as feeling more grounded, energized, connected to the mind, body and spirit as well as to the universe.

Scared Spiral Breath will:
•Help detoxify, restore, balance and oxygenate the cells
•Resolve repressed emotions allowing the release of what is no longer serving
•Accelerate spiritual growth through expanded awareness

Through Drum Journeys, many veils have been lifted off for me and while journeying I have received healing, alignments, past life regression, a deep sense of connection to the world around me and the spirit world, and an ability to walk through life with a “journeying or shamanic eye” . That is some of the reasons why I enjoy sharing them.

See those of you who hear the call, in sacred circle.


Friday July 4th 2014 7-9 pm
238 Beechwood Ave Vic BC

Registration is made by prepayment. Space limited to 6 ppl. To register please contact Nazli : 250-385-3743 or nazlirainflower@yahoo.com
Please bring a cushion, a blanket/blankets, a yoga mat if you have one and a bottle of water and wear warm and comfy clothes.V

By Nazli Khosravi